It’s difficult not to have flashbacks of the Showtime series Dexter when watching Netflix’s YOU. There are a lot of similarities, including the fact that each main protagonist is a serial killer who tries to rationalize his dirty deeds. In both series, we hear voiceovers from the killer’s perspective and listen to their ongoing inner monologue in the background while concurrently hearing what they are saying in real life — the two rarely jive. Joe and Dexter’s similarities are so pronounced, in fact, that even Love from YOU Season 2 references Dexter.

But while Joe Goldberg from YOU and Dexter Morgan from Dexter are very much alike, they are also very different people. Here are five ways they are similar and five ways they differ.

Like Dexter: He Enjoys Killing 

Both Joe and Dexter seem to like killing, though Dexter is more open about his love of cutting into someone’s flesh and chopping up their body while Joe seems to want to deny it to himself, calling each of his kills an accident or something he “had to do.”

But there’s no denying the joy we see in both of their eyes when they capture someone and feel like they’re providing justice by murdering them. Dexter just so happens to be far cleaner with his kills while Joe is sloppy.

Not Like Dexter: He Rationalizes Killing Innocent People 

Dexter has his killing down to a science, and he is able to control it (for the most part). He does it to feed his Dark Passenger — the urge inside him that makes him want to kill. But he follows a code his father taught him, only killing bad people. Dexter thoroughly researches his victims before choosing who to kill to make sure they “deserve” it, in his eyes.

Joe, on the other hand, rationalizes his kills in warped and nonsensical ways. Beck, for example, couldn’t love him the way he needed her to, so she had to die. It was for her own good, in Joe’s eyes.

Like Dexter: He Keeps Kill Souvenirs 

Both Joe and Dexter keep a neat box of souvenirs from their victims, as many serial killers do. Joe keeps personal items like underwear, teeth, and some viewers even think they spotted used feminine products in tiny plastic bags. Dexter, meanwhile, always kept very neat blood slides. This makes sense, given his fascination with blood and occupation as a blood spatter analyst for the Miami Metro Police.

Both kept their boxes hidden away in closets, walls, and vents, only pulling them out when they needed to add a new item or wanted to reminisce.

Not Like Dexter: He Gets Infatuated With Women 

For Dexter, marrying Rita had nothing to do with love or his desire to be with a woman — it was simply part of his façade to look like a “normal” person. And while he did fall for the odd woman now and then, his infatuation was really with killing.

For Joe, however, he seems to choose a woman and completely obsess about her, with all of his kills related to his desire to protect her. Clearly, as we learn from the latest season, this stems from issues with his own mother. Nonetheless, he uses women to justify his killing while Dexter uses a woman to hide the fact that he kills.

Like Dexter: He Has a Method 

For Dexter, every kill was the same. He would inject the person to knock them out, transport them to his “kill room” where he would take off their clothes and strap them to a table using plastic wrap. The entire room would be covered in plastic wrap to make for an easy clean-up. He would wait for them to awake, explain his reasoning, and plunge a knife through their heart, dismember them, and dump their body parts in the ocean.

Joe wasn’t quite as methodical, but there was one constant in his kills: his plexiglass kill room where he would keep some of his victims, sometimes for weeks, before killing them and finding a way to dispose of their bodies.

Not Like Dexter: He Can’t Control His Kills 

Dexter, as noted, learned to follow a code that his father taught him in order to at least find bad people to kill when he felt the urge. Thus, he was a vigilante killer.  And while he sometimes broke his code and couldn’t control those urges, he followed it for the most part.

Joe, on the other hand, seems to kill in the heat of the moment, in a fit of rage, then acts as though it was an accident and he didn’t mean to do it. He doesn’t own his kills but instead rationalizes them as something that had to be done.

Like Dexter: He Knows How To Be Charming and Likable

Both characters know how to put on a charming and likable face so that they not only perfectly blend into society, but they also stand out as people that others are drawn to. Joe has a better handle on the whole idea of “being normal” while Dexter often struggled with finding the appropriate way to respond to situations and when and how to show emotions.

Nonetheless, while Joe was clearly better at showing emotions, they both managed to fly under the radar and seem like every day average Joes, if not with some eccentricities.

Not Like Dexter: He Suffered Abuse As a Child

While Dexter’s childhood was not exactly rosy, he didn’t suffer abuse like Joe. Dexter’s mother had gotten caught up with drugs at one point, but she started working with the police and ended up having a relationship with officer Harry Morgan, Dexter’s father. She was brutally killed by drug dealers in front of Dexter when he was a baby.

While not much is yet known about Joe’s childhood, we do know that his mother often left him on his own to have secret rendezvous with random lovers. Meanwhile, her boyfriend or husband, who was potentially Joe’s biological father, was clearly abusive to both his mother and Joe.

Like Dexter: He Despises Most People 

Both characters act like they love sharing small talk with friends and co-workers, enjoy parties and being social. But really, neither of them actually likes people very much.

Dexter is very close with his sister and loves his son, but that’s about it. Joe, meanwhile, feels more obsession than love toward whatever woman he’s pursuing at the time. If he had his choice, the two would spend every day together, cooped up inside without ever having to talk to anyone else. He can’t stand hanging out with his girlfriend’s friends, talking to dumb customers, or dealing with idiotic co-workers.

Not Like Dexter: He Doesn’t Have Easy Access to Information

As a respected blood splatter analyst for the Miami Metro P.D., Dexter had access to criminal databases and could look up pretty much anything he wanted to find about just about anyone in order to feed his killing addiction. He also knew exactly where police investigations were at any point in time and knew exactly how to cover up a crime. Joe, a low-level book store employee, however, had to find clever ways to get information and didn’t do as good a job at cleaning up after his kills.

This included everything from stealing phones or putting spyware on them to using social media or downright stalking people. They were both pretty resourceful but when it comes to access, Dexter wins that race.